Science CPD Opportunities Discovery CLC's Dr Anne Buckley, launched a series of CPD events for the Autumn term at TMWirral. Some people had left by the time she took to the stage, so the details of these courses can be found in the download below. ![]()
Plastic Bottle Greenhouse Heidi Moutlon's presentation about the impact and benefits of a school farm, featured a fantastic idea of a greenhouse made from recycled plastic bottles. Find out how to create your own greenhouse from recycled plastic bottles from the download link below. ![]()
![]() We were delighted to have The Light Cinema, New Brighton as one of our sponsors for TMWirral. A whole programme of events and opportunities are on offer for schools to make the most of. If you would like to find out more about how you can make the most of these super opportunities, contact Jane Woodason, Education and Events Manager 0151 214 1370 or
In case you had ![]() Speed Learning SSAT have recently launched a series of CPD events that are already proving to be popular with those teachers attending and have created a new and exciting forum for sharing best practice. Bidston Avenue Primary School will be hosting a speed learning event, in partnership with SSAT, on Wednesday 2nd October. Check this blog and the @TMWirral, twitter account for details of how to attend, or sign-up as a table host. Read about one school's account of how a Speed learning event has impacted on their school and their approach to CPD. ![]() Literacy TeachMeet In association with the National Literacy Trust, Bidston Avenue Primary School will be holding a teachmeet dedicated to literacy. Add Wednesday 9th October to your diary. We'll post more details nearer to the time. In case you missed some of the links posted during TeachMeet Wirral, below is an archive of all the tweets with the TMWirral hashtag or @TMWirral. In fact, there was over 600 tweets between 4th-6th June! You can also download the archive using the link below. ![]()
![]() With only a few days left until TeachMeet Wirral, we're really excited to be able to have a number of fantastic presenters with a great range of topics. Seven Minute Presentations Stuart Rathe- Padlet, Popplet and as online presenting/collaborating tools Jane Owens- All singing, all dancing governors (without the singing and dancing)! Dean Paton- A Brief History of Britain Jane Tucker- Class blogging with Alan Thompson- Choose your own adventure David McDermott- Using learning mats – the panacea of progress! Mike Straker and Stevie Edward- Kerpoof Sharon Tharme- A few 'WOW' experiments to bring science alive in the Primary Classroom. Lee Parkinson- How one second every day can change you as a teacher! Jamie Warner-Leigh- SOLO Taxonomy Heidi Moulton - Learning outside of the classroom....or how Woodchurch High ended up with a school farm in Birkenhead! Three Minute Presentations Sue Calveley- The Alphabet Rap Matt Brooks- Rethinking Homework Jeanette Davies- Teaching and Learning Activities and recommended reads Alex Findlay- Something iPad Tony Pickford- Program or be programmed- tools for teaching sequencing and control |
TMWirral TalkFind out about the latest developments in Wirral's first TeachMeet. Archives |